Monday, December 23, 2019

Research. According To Somerville (2013), Homelessness

Research According to Somerville (2013), homelessness is a multidimensional concept where it is more than an individual not having a roof over their head. It is where there person is deprived of a number of different necessities. One necessity is physiological which means that the person may be lacking bodily comfort or warmth. Another necessity comes from an emotional standpoint which in this case would be the lacking of love and/or joy. The territorial necessity is lacking in homelessness as well and that is when someone has a lack of privacy. The last two necessities are ontological and spiritual, where ontological is someone’s lack of rootedness in the world while spiritual is one’s lack of home and lack of purpose (Somerville, 2013,†¦show more content†¦The second kind is called, â€Å"system talk† which went on from the 1960’s to the 1980’s and that focused more on there being a lack of jobs and limited amount of affordable, accessibl e housing. â€Å"Sick talk† is the third historical causation for homelessness which saw individuals dealing with homelessness as having mental health problems, personality disorders, incapacities, etc. Though these terms may no longer be used, all that have been mentioned are considered to be risk factors for homelessness. If someone experiences a large number of these things, they are at a â€Å"heightened risk† of being homeless which means that â€Å"the more someone exhibits individual risk factors and/or is exposed to structural risks, the greater the risk that they will become homeless† (Jones Please, 2010, p. 27). For a number of years, scholars have expressed homelessness as an event or sequence of events that occur at a point in a pathway that someone follows through the housing system (Somerville, 2013, p. 389-390). The actual definition of the homelessness pathway is â€Å"the route of an individual or household into homelessness, their experience of homelessness and their route out of homelessness into secure housing† (Anderson Tulloch, 2000, p. 11). The homelessness pathway is part of the housing pathway which are patterns of one’s interactionsShow MoreRelatedSocial Problems Within The Australian Society1215 Words   |  5 PagesA Social Analysis – Homelessness There are a growing number of social problems existing within the Australian society and unfortunately, research does not need to prove this. All it takes is a stroll down the main street of some suburbs to realise the extent of social problems within society. Homelessness is a rising trend that is affecting people of all demographics. Homelessness is more than just a simple disadvantage; with usually many underpinning factors which contribute to it, such as domesticRead MoreNegative Effects Of Homelessness1446 Words   |  6 PagesMany people tend to want to ask themselves the question, â€Å"Does homelessness affect me at all?† Typically, if homelessness isn’t affecting a certain individual or anyone that they’re close to, they tend to not want to help. From previous research done by Pergantis, Tolliver, Bishop, 2016, it is a known fact that about 578,242 people in America are considered to be homeless. People who were homeless back then done by were conside red as disconnected from the world and they have also encountered psychologicalRead MoreHomeless Adolescents Under The Age Of Eighteen2409 Words   |  10 Pageshomeless shelters providing services in the area. A quick glance shows that there are shelters that service specific segments of the population including battered women, pregnant women, women in crisis, homeless families and the general population (2013).Although, the population listed does not list shelter services that provide services for homeless adolescents the staff at several of the shelters provided information on the youth served. One example of a shelter, in the Fayetteville area, that

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